Friday, February 25, 2011

Grayson's birthday

February 16, 2011
Grayson Amendt's 8th birthday is this week and I mailed his gift today. It was also this week a year ago that his mommy was diagnosed with Leukemia. Rhonda was in the hospital last year on his birthday and one of her greatest fears was missing another birthday - it was God's will that she did. Rhonda and I met in Chemistry class our first year of college . We love science - Chemistry was her favorite and Biology is mine. I sent Grayson a book about both and I knew it would make her smile. Lizzie also made Grayson a card - she loves doing this for her friends. Happy Birthday, Grayson! :)

(Scott sent me a picture a few days later of Grayson and his books - he really liked them!)
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